There are windows XP installations that for specific reasons they must be active. For example a retired accounting or billing application that contains archived data. For these installations there is no need to keep a physical machine alive. The best solution is the virtualization of machine and put it in a server or a workstation. The most known tool to do this is VMWARE converter that can easily convert your physical machine to virtual.
What about users that use Oracle Virtual Box as their virtual console. The VMWARE converter outputs are not compatible with Oracle Virtual Box. Use the following procedure to workaround with this.
1) After creating the virtual file with VMWARE converter, download the vmware OVFTOOL. This is a tool that converts VMWARE outputs to Open Virtualization Format
2) Run the command ovftool source.vmx export.ovf.
Open a command prompt window and redirect to C:Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware PlayerOVFTool. In source.vmx parameter you have to put the path where the file is located.
3) Once the process is complete, you can import the .ovf file into VirtualBox. Use the Import Appliance option in the File menu.